GreetingsSeeing as we are aiming to create a new party, I am opening this thread for name suggestions, I will then hold a poll. Could we please not bring in erep references for party names.I would like to suggest: UK Liberal PartyThanksBohSuggestionsUnited Kingdom Liberal Party
Uk Liberal Party sounds good. I like the idea of having UK in the name.
UK Progression Party :3
i like that name ^
i like the party part
i meant to say i liked UK Liberal Party but slack got in seconds before me
Liberal party WORKS, but does it really represent our ideals (well, mine :3)?The United Kingdom Imperial Party is catchy
UK Liberal Party... I like it :3
Quote: Habeeb wrote in post #8Liberal party WORKS, but does it really represent our ideals (well, mine :3)?The United Kingdom Imperial Party is catchy
Dude, I'm a fascist, no liberalism here :3AhuehuehueUnintentional UKIP acronym there with the Imperial Party
how about 'UK Set-up Party'
We went for just ' UK Party' to start with. We will see where it goes later on when we're established.
Should've gone for Worker's Rights Party.
I'm your ruler! I'm not your pencil or your pen!